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A little bit of this and that :) but wholeheartedly me :)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

One Message Received

Tension filling the very air,
Eagerness in every strand of hair.
The clock's every tick grows longer,
It's sound becoming ever stronger
While every breath becomes labored;
Reality getting altered.

The shadows on the blank wall
Engaging in a reckless brawl
Each with their very own intention
Like a sulky angry ocean.

Finally time seems to stop,
You can hear even a pin drop;
The silence deafening your senses
Reminding all your offenses.

Then you hear that magical note
And Hope once again is afloat
The three words that make it worthwhile
Casting all fear into exile-

[Any lover in a long distance relationship knows what I'm talking about :)]

1 comment:

jay-me said...

I love this, I have always had a thing for an incorporation of modern/technology into the timeless beauty of art, makes it so contemporary and innovative, love ya!