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Monday, February 25, 2008

Just simple thoughts really...

Something about the way I got up this morning made me very reflective. Unlike other days I actually got up early and fresh...on other days an early morning equates to a very bad mood and lead-heavy eyes. We are ever changing. We know ourselves not at all. We find there's a side to us we never knew every once in a while. A scary thought I must admit...there might be a possible murderer in me waiting to come out, but until it does I will never know. All I can and will be able to do should that part of me ever comes out is...well I don't really know??? I can spend hours on end worrying but what good will that ever do??? Little or nothing...So let's just enjoy and take life as it comes....one simple little thought at a time...here's to you dreamers everywhere from from the King of dreamers himself.