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Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Women-the greatest mystery in the whole world. I had always been convinced that men and women function differently, though some people satt-ly errr sadly disagree. And a certain incident that happened today triggered a chain reaction of thoughts in this whacked-up brain of mine, but before I go into that let me first tell you all what happened.

It was around noon and I was jobless and so bored to the extent that I actually started watching the Australia-West Indies test match, commentaries included when I got a call from my sister to get ready as she wanted me to take her, or rather she wanted to take me shopping. Having nothing better to do and being promised a treat at the shopping center, I agreed and got ready. She told me she'd be there in 15 minutes. 35 minutes later she appeared and then we set off and finally reached the Aizawl woman's paradise - The Second Hand Lane. After stopping for a cup of tea and some food, she started, Oh boy did she start!!! Three hours and several plastic bags in my hand later, she said we could go, BUT not before she bought me a jacket as a reward for which we took another 30 minutes. Finally after close to four hours walking around, we reached the car and 30 minutes later home...at last.

Then it hit me, this was the same sister who in May this year had struggled to take a 15 minute walk to the grocers with me coz I was feeling too lazy to drive!!! HOLY COW!!!

I then realized that WITH the proper motivation, women would be able to do ANYTHING. No more hunger, no more wars, no more AIDS, no more economic problems, a colony on the moon, you name it...a whole new wonderful world free of all problems thanks to a special group of women assembled to make our world a better place, a motivated group for whom nothing is impossible, and the cost of all this - a free four hour shopping spree at any second hand lane in the world!!!


Almostunreal said...

i va han chhe zit zet tak e awww...hahahaha

unlike other women, I don't like shopping much..and spending an hour in the 2nd hand lane is more than enough for me

Putarte said...

And you are??? :)